Il pittore Ng Woon Lam è nato in Malesia e vive e lavora a Singapore dal 1992.
Partecipa attivamente a mostre internazionali con giuria e ha vinto più di 50 premi. Le mostre personali tenute a Singapore, Malesia, Tailandia e Hong Kong includono "Rhyme of Hue", "In Search of Harmony", "A Jazz of Colours and Shapes", "Perception and Delusion", "A Tale 3 Cities" e "Live and Alive".
È autore di Applicazioni pratiche della teoria del colore e dei concetti di design.
Woon Lam ha ricevuto il Master of Fine Art (MFA) in Pittura dalla New York Academy of Art nel 2007.
È membro dell'American Watercolour Society (AWS), dopo aver vinto due medaglie di bronzo, è stato conferito con la Dolphin Fellowship (AWS DF) nel 2014.
Ha completato il Master of Science presso la National University of Singapore nel 1999 e il Bachelor of Applied Science presso la Nanyang Technological University nel 1995.
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Singaporean painter Ng Woon Lam is a full member of National Watercolor Society NWS and American Watercolor Society.
He showed in National Watercolor Society eightieth and eighty-second international exhibition, American Watercolor Society 139th, 140th and 142nd international annual show, 2003 Florence Biennale and 2006 Oil Painters of America 15th Annual National Show.
He learnt from Singapore Master Watercolour Artist Mr. Gog Sing Hooi, late and founding president of Singapore Watercolour Society, Associate Professor Emeritus Cheng-Khee Chee (University of Minnesota at Duluth).
Associate Professor Don Southard and Professor Susanna Coffey at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Professor Edward Schmidt at New York Academy of Art.
His painting style carries Chinese calligraphic strokes; showing strong influence from master Singapore Watercolour Artist Gog Sing Hooi.
His philosophy of image making is derived from Taiji (太极) philosophy. He is constantly searching for balance and harmony in the dynamic image making process. This is similar to the fundamental building of Chinese Painting.
He is currently teaching in the Nanyang Technological University's School of Art, Design and Media.