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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Ukrainian Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Andrey Figol, 1974 | Impressionist painter

Andrei Figol is a representative of impressionism, a master of landscape.
Andrey Figol's work is a smooth blend of the modern art of painting with its variety of styles and means of expressiveness.
Andrey Figol is able to capture the evanescent state of nature with crisp vividness and emotion.

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Natalia Bagatskaya, 1967 | Magic realism painter

Natalia Bagatskaya / Наталія Багацька was born in Horodyshche, Ukraine.
Lives and works in Kyiv.
She graduated from the University of Technology and Design in "clothing design" specialty.
Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine.
Specialization: Acrylic painting.

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Olga and Sergey Kamennoy

Sergey and Olga are the couple of artists working together under a pseudonym "KAMU Sergey and Olga" for more than 15 years.
Sergey Kamennoy / Сергей Каменной is Ukrainian and Olga Kamennoy / Ольга Каменная is Russian, born in Moscow.
Sergey was born in the city of Kharkov in 1959, Ukraine, in the artist’s family.

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Yuri Klapouh, 1963 | Ucraina

Yuri Klapoukh / Юрий Клапоух è nato a Charkov.
Si è diplomato presso l'Istituto Statale Accademico d'Arte di Mosca -Surikov.
Professionalmente impegnato nella pittura per 15 anni.
I suoi temi preferiti sono il paesaggio russo, il ritratto classico e la scena di genere della vita rurale.
Ha partecipato a numerose mostre collettive e personali.
I suoi dipinti sono in collezioni private negli Stati Uniti, Repubblica Ceca, Polonia, Austria, Repubblica del Sud Africa e Germania.

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Alexander Shandor / Шандор Олександр, 1981

Alexander Shandor / Шандор Олександр è nato nella città transcarpatica di Vinohradiv, nell'Ucraina occidentale.
Ha studiato all'Erdeli College of Arts di Uzhhorod, presso il dipartimento di lavorazione dei metalli in studio e sotto la guida dei professori Petretsky, Lukac e Mykhailyuk.
Alex sta lavorando con un olio su tela o con un acquerello su carta, la maggior parte dei suoi dipinti sono tratti dalla natura, all'aria aperta, nei generi di paesaggi e nature morte.
Tutte le sue opere sono uniche ed irripetibili anche da lui stesso.

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Mikhail Guida, 1955 | Figurative painter

Mikhail Yevgenievich Guida / Михайло Євгенович Гуйда is a renowned contemporary painte.
Born on a farm Quietly, Krasnodar Krai, Russia, where he followed his first training, Mikhail Yevgenievich Guida perfected at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kiev.
The theme of his oil painting includes covers a wide range from history and landscape paintings to genre, portraits and still life paintings.

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Archip Ivanovič Kuindži | Paesaggista

Nel 1913 Il’ja Repin disse su Archip Kuindži:
"L’illusione della luce era il suo dio, e non c’era artista capace di raggiungere questa meraviglia della pittura in egual misura".

Archip Ivanovič Kuindži (Архип Иванович Куинджи; Mariupol', 27 gennaio 1842 - San Pietroburgo, 24 luglio 1910) è stato un pittore Russo, specializzato in soggetti paesaggistici e di origine dai greci del Ponto, detti anche pontici o greci del Mar Nero.

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Alexandra Savina, 1962 | Cubist painter

Alexandra Savina was born and brought up in Kiev, Ukraine and graduated from the Fine Art School and Teachers College (Department of Art).
She worked as an art teacher and designer.
In 2005, Aleksandra came to Canada and currently resides in Toronto.
She was mesmerized by the beautiful landscapes of her new country and home, and these landscapes have become her new source of inspiration.

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Olena Duchene / Елена Дюшан | Watercolor flowers painter

Artist Elena Duchamp was born and raised in the Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk.
In 2012 she got married and moved to France.
Her beautiful floral paintings varies between watercolor and pastel paintings.
Her strokes are simple delightful and dreamy.

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Piotr Stoliarenko (1925-2018) | Post-impressionist painter

Piotr Kuzmich Stoliarenko / Петр Кузьмич Столяренко - a landscape, seascape and dreamy garden painter, a master of still-life and genre paintings, is considered as one of the most fascinating of the Crimean artists🎨.
He is called the Soviet post-impressionist, and his art - a crucial classic of Soviet and post-Soviet painting.
The artist was born in the picturesque village of Kertch, a delightful fishing village in the Crimea, on the edge of the Azov Sea.
Piotr Stoliarenko attended the Aivazovsky academy of fine arts and was a pupil of Nikolai Barsamov.

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Anatoly Metlan, 1964 | Impressionist painter

Anatoly Metlan è nato a Yalta, in Ucraina, vicino al Mar Nero.
Crescendo, Metlan ha sviluppato la passione per le opere degli impressionisti.
Dopo il liceo ha frequentato la Krivoi Rog University, nel sud dell'Ucraina.
Mentre era all'università, Metlan espose le sue opere e pian piano si fece un nome.
Nel 1989, era stato accettato nella Guild Artist in Ucraina.

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Shafira Yablonski, 1938 | Impressionist painter

Ukrainian painter Shafira Yablonski was born in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk.
When Shafira was 3 years old the world war II began and her family was evacuated to Kazakhstan.
When the war was over and the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk was liberated, they returned home to Ukraine.
There Shafira spent her childhood and adolescence and finished high school.
All her childhood she was fond of drawing. When Shafira was 15, she joined the art studio at the House of Culture and began learning to paint.

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Zinovy ​​Sydoriv, 1971 | Ballet dancers

Зиновий Сыдорив🎨 is an Ukrainian painter, member of the Union of free Artists of St. Petersburg.
He was born in Ivano-Frankivsk, Western Ukraine. Graduated from Tver art College named. A. G. Venetsianova, at the Department of decoration.

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Zinovy ​​Sydoriv, 1971 | Romantic Realism painter

Зиновий Сыдорив was born in Ivano-Frankivsk, Western Ukraine. Since 1987 lives and works in Tver. Graduated from Tver art College named. A. G. Venetsianova, at the Department of decoration.
Participant of a number of art exhibitions in Moscow, Tver and abroad.
Sydoriv is a member of the Union of free Artists of St. Petersburg.
Many works of Zinovy Sydoriv are in galleries and private collections in England, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Germany, France, USA.

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Ivan G. Olinsky (1878-1962) | Impressionist painter

Ivan Gregorewitch Olinsky was a Russian-American painter and art instructor.
Olinsky was born in Elizabethgrad, Russia (now Kirovohrad, Ukraine).
After immigrating to the United States at the age of twelve he studied at the National Academy of Design, then worked for the American muralist George Willoughby Maynard, then for Elmer Garnsey, then for John La Farge in Boston until about 1906.
Olinsky became best known for his female portraits in a style that tended towards Impressionism.

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Elie Anatole Pavil | The quay of tournelle at sunset in winter

Born in Odessa, Elie Anatole Pavil (1873-1948) came to Paris in 1892 and dedicated himself to capturing its atmosphere on canvas. For most of the next fifty years he painted the cafes, the beautiful women, the jazz bands and artist ateliers of Paris.
His paintings show an intimate knowledge of the inhabitants of the streets and alley’s of Montmartre. Elegant couples dancing, beautiful models posing, working men finishing their day with a drink at the bar, all were captured in Pavil’s carefully balanced compositions, many of which show the distinct the influence of Degas🎨 and Renoir🎨.

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Elie Anatole Pavil | Evening in a Parisian Cafe

Elie Anatole Pavil (1873-1948) was an Ukrainian-born French painter.
Pavil was born in Odessa, Russia in 1873. He came to Paris in 1892.
Pavil exhibited at the Salon des Artists Français, Salon des Indépendants and the Salon d’Automne. He exhibited at Galerie Charpentier, Galerie Georges Petit, and Galerie Bernheim Jeune. Claude Monet described Pavil’s paintings as “little marvels”.
He was awarded Chevailier de la l’Légion d’Honneur. Pavil also counted Pissaro among his friends. Pavil continued painting with the same passion until the end of his days.

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Edward Pustovoitov, 1964

Edward Pustovoitov è nato a Makeyevka, in Ucraina.
Ha conseguito la qualifica di Designer presso l'Istituto di studi teatrali e artistici di Odessa.
L'irresistibile desiderio di viaggiare una volta portò Pustovoitov a venire in Lettonia e ad iscriversi al collegio nautico di Riga; dopo la laurea ha lavorato come marinaio presso la Latvian Shipping.
Nel 1993, residente a Riga, il giovane marinaio Eduard, come racconta, arrivò accidentalmente nei Paesi Bassi e visitò il Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Amsterdam, dove per la prima volta conobbe il famoso e scandaloso surrealista spagnolo Dalì, più precisamente - con le sue opere.

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Nina Reznichenko (Ukrainian, 1973)

Nina Reznichenko graduated from Vyzhnytsia College of Applied Arts.
She is a member of the Ukrainian National Society of Artists and member of International association of Artists' Art without Borders.
Her works are in private collections in many countries.

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Arthur Braginsky, 1965 | Ucraina

Arthur Braginsky è un artista pluripremiato, nato a Mukachevo, Ucraina. Attualmente vive e lavora in Ungheria.
Attraverso la sua pratica artistica, si sforza di scoprire verità elementari.
Ispirato dai Preraffaelliti, Braginsky descrive le sue composizioni come la fusione dello stile accademico con l'estetica moderna.
Crea principalmente con oli su tela.
I dipinti di Braginsky sono stati esposti a livello nazionale, nonché in Francia, Austria, Russia, Belgio, Estonia, Inghilterra, Cina, Taiwan, Svizzera ed Italia.

Audrey Hepburn 1929-1993