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Albert Williams (1922-2010) Floral still-life painter

British painter🎨 Albert Williams was a painter of flowers in the tradition of the seventeenth century Flemish School of painters.
Williams was born in 1922 in Sussex, England. His father and grandfather were his first teachers.
As a boy in Brighton he attended Brighton School of Art, moving to London where he was employed by Sanderson's in their studio.

After the Second World War, he returned to Brighton to make a career as an artist.
Still life studies of flowers suited his natural abilities as a draughtsman and colourist.
His work has been exhibited at the Fine Art Society, the London galleries of Frost and Reed and the Omell Galleries and the Summer Exhibitions at the Royal Academy.
Albert Williams' paintings of flowers have a photographic realism, and each petal has lifelike detailed veins and coloring.
In 1955 he exhibited at the Paris Salon.

Il pittore Britannico🎨 Albert Williams è stato un pittore di fiori nella tradizione della scuola di pittori fiamminghi del XVII secolo.
Williams è nato nel 1922 nel Sussex, in Inghilterra.
Suo padre e suo nonno furono i suoi primi insegnanti.
Da ragazzo a Brighton ha frequentato la Brighton School of Art, trasferendosi a Londra dove è stato impiegato da Sanderson nel loro studio.
Il suo lavoro è stato esposto alla Fine Art Society, alle gallerie londinesi di Frost and Reed e alle Omell Galleries e alle mostre estive alla Royal Academy.
I dipinti di fiori di Albert Williams hanno un realismo fotografico e ogni petalo ha vene e colorazioni dettagliate realistiche. Nel 1955 espose al Salon di Parigi.