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Edmond Marie Petitjean (1844-1925)

Edmond Marie Petitjean was a self-taught French painter🎨, known for landscapes and seascapes.
His father was a lawyer and wanted him to follow suit; forcing him to study law despite his artistic talent and sending him to Paris, where he was apprenticed to a notary.
While there, he visited the museums and became determined to be an artist.
His parents cut off his financial support, but he was able to find employment managing a small factory in Nancy.

This enabled him to purchase the painting supplies he needed.
In 1874, he held his first solo exhibit at the Salon des Artistes Français.
He was awarded🎨 honorable mention at the Salon of 1881 and, two years later, became a member.
This was followed by a First Class medal🎨 in 1884 and a Second Class medal🎨 in 1885.
He painted in several ports along the Atlantic coast and spent a year working in Dordrecht.
He participated in decorating several pavilions at the Exposition Universelle (1889) and was presented with a silver medal🎨.
The following year, he exhibited in Munich.
In 1892, he was named a Knight in the Legion of Honor.
In 1900, he and twenty other painters received a commission from Stéphane Adolphe Dervillé, President of the Board of Directors of the Chemins de fer de Paris à Lyon et à la Méditerranée, to decorate the restaurant in the Gare de Lyon now known as "Le Train Bleu".

He was assigned to work in the "Salle dorée" (Golden Room), themed to represent the Mediterranean coast, and painted a scene depicting the village of Le Puy.
His study for the painting received a gold medal🎨 at the Exposition Universelle (1900).
In 1904, he married Jeanne Lauvernay, also a painter, who was thirty-one years his junior.
Until the beginning of World War I, he exhibited internationally and was awarded a silver medal🎨 at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in 1909.
Overall, he is believed to have created almost 800 paintings.
As did many artists during the period, he also provided illustrations and cartoons for periodicals; notably the satirical journals, Le Frou-frou, L'Assiette au Beurre and Le Rire. | © Wikipedia

Edmond Marie Petitjean è stato un pittore Francese🎨.
Nato in Lorena, nel Dipartimento dei Vosgi, Edmond Petitjean fu un artista dei paesaggi e delle marine.
Dopo gli studi alla Scuola di Belle arti di Parigi allestì la sua prima mostra nel 1874 al Salon. Continuò ad esporre, ma solo nel 1881, sempre al Salon, ottenne una menzione d'onore.
Due anni dopo divenne membro della Società del Salon des Artistes Français.
Ricevette una medaglia🎨 di 1ª classe nel 1884 ed una di 2ª classe nel 1885.
Petitjean viaggiò spesso lungo la costa atlantica ritraendo numerose località di mare e numerosi porti, poi, nel 1886, si stabilì per un certo tempo a Dordrecht.

Nel 1883 l'amico pittore Émile Friant🎨 fece un ritratto a sua moglie.
Nel 1889 Petitjean fu uno degli artisti incaricati di decorare il padiglione francese dell'Esposizione Universale di Parigi, ottenendo una medaglia🎨 d'argento.
L'anno seguente espose a Monaco di Baviera e, nel 1892, gli fu conferito il titolo di Cavaliere della Legion d'Onore.
Alla fine del secolo, nel 1900, assieme ad altri 26 artisti, ricevette l'incarico di dipingere un quadro per l'arredamento della Sala dorata del ristorante "Le train bleu" della Gare de Paris Lyon, che apparteneva alla Compagnia ferroviaria Parigi-Lione-Mar Mediterraneo. Petitjean, con la supervisione dell'architetto Marius Toudoire che sovraintendeva ai lavori, dipinse il quadro "Le Puys".
Contemporaneamente, le sue opere che erano in mostra all'Expo di Parigi gli valsero una medaglia🎨 d'oro.
Edmond Petitjean si spense a Parigi nell'estate del 1925, all'età di 81 anni. | © Wikipedia