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Haynes King (1831-1904) Genre painter

Haynes King was an English🎨 genre painter. Apart from genre subjects, he painted interiors, landscapes, and coast scenes with figures.
King was born at Barbados in December 1831, son of Robert M. King by his wife Maria. Coming to London in 1854, he became a student at Leigh's (afterwards Heatherley's) Academy in Newman Street, London.

He first exhibited in 1857 at the Society of British Artists, of which he was elected a member in 1864; many of his works appeared at its exhibitions, and forty-eight were shown at the Royal Academy between 1860-1904.
He worked at one period with Thomas Faed whose influence is seen in his work.
King resided latterly at 103 Finchley Road, N.W., with the painter Henry Yeend King. After months of ill health he committed suicide on 17 May 1904. He married Annie Elizabeth Wilson in 1866, a widow, and left no family.

Haynes King (Barbados, 1831 - Londra, 1904) è stato un pittore Britannico🎨.
Haynes King nacque nell'isola di Barbados nel 1831, all'epoca colonia dell'Impero britannico.
Nel 1854 si trasferì a Londra dove studiò arte presso la Leigh's Academy.
Iniziò ad esporre le sue opere nel 1857 alla Society of British Artists che lo accolse successivamente come membro (1864).
Molti dei suoi dipinti vennero esposti alla Royal Academy of Arts, in particolare tra il 1860-1904 vi presentò 48 opere.
Le opere di King rappresentano per la maggior parte soggetti umani, in molti casi ritratti in ambienti domestici.
La sua opera più famosa Jealousy and Flirtation🎨, dipinta nel 1874 ed esposta nello stesso anno alla Royal Academy of Arts, è attualmente compresa nella collezione del Victoria and Albert Museum di Londra.