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Soon Warren | Watercolor painter

Soon Young Warren is a highly awarded artist, teacher and workshop instructor nationally and internationally.
She was born in South Korea and immigrated to the United States in 1987.
A full time artist, Soon has an associate degree in commercial art from Thomas Nelson Community College in Hampton, Virginia, and is a signature member of the National Watercolor Society, American Watercolor Society, Southern Watercolor Society, Texas Watercolor Society and Society of Watercolor Artists.

Soon paints in both oil and watercolor.
She is also a talented teacher in her mediums.
Her favorite subjects are those found in nature: people, an animal, trees, a tangerine, pear, Oriental poppy, iris or something of intrigue at the moment.
Flowers from her gardens often become models for paintings.

She says that: "I'm inspired by the beauty and complexity of nature and our surroundings.
I try to paint the essence of subjects and my sincere feeling for nature".

Soon has won numerous awards and honors including NWS Purchase Award with Silver Star (top award); SWA Best of Show and Peoples Choice Awards; and NSW Juried Merchandise Award and Exhibition and national traveling show.
In 2014, her recognition went international with Best of Show International SWA.
Several of her works were part of a trilateral exhibition at the South Korean Embassy with works from artists selected by Watercolor USA.
Featured artists were from Japan, South Korea and the USA.

L'acquerellista Soon Young Warren è un artista a tempo pieno ed un insegnante, nata nella Corea del Sud.
È nota per i suoi acquerelli trasparenti di fiori, vasi di cristallo, biciclette e natura.
È immigrata negli Stati Uniti nel 1987.
Lei dipinge sia ad olio che ad acquerello.

I suoi soggetti preferiti sono quelli presenti nella natura: persone, un animale, alberi, un mandarino, una pera, un papavero orientale, un iris o qualsiasi cosa che la intriga al momento.
I fiori dei suoi giardini diventano spesso modelli per i dipinti.
Ha una laurea AAS in arte commerciale.

Soon Young Warren ha tenuto molte mostre e ha vinto numerosi premi.
Dipinge ed insegna nel suo studio oltre a dare dimostrazioni e workshop per organizzazioni di artisti.
Soon Young Warren è membro della National Watercolor Society, della Southern Watercolor Artist, della Texas Watercolor Society e della Society of Watercolor Artists.