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Konstantin Korovin (1861-1939)

Konstantin Alekseyevich Korovin /Russian: Константи́н Алексе́евич Коро́вин was a leading Russian Impressionist painter.
Konstantin was born in Moscow to a merchant family officially registered as "peasants of Vladimir Gubernia".
His father, Aleksey Mikhailovich Korovin, earned a university degree and was more interested in arts and music than in the family business established by Konstantin's grandfather. Konstantin's older brother Sergei Korovin was a notable realist painter.

Konstantin's relative Illarion Pryanishnikov was also a prominent painter of the time and a teacher at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.
In 1875 Korovin entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, where he studied with Vasily Perov and Alexei Savrasov. His brother Sergei was already a student at the school.
During their student years, the Korovins became friends with fellow students Valentin Serov and Isaac Levitan; Konstantin maintained these friendships throughout his life.

In 1881-1882, Korovin spent a year at the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, but returned disappointed to the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. He studied at the school under his new teacher Vasily Polenov until 1886.
In 1885 Korovin traveled to Paris and Spain.
"Paris was a shock for me … Impressionists… in them I found everything I was scolded for back home in Moscow", he later wrote.

Konstantin Alekseevič Korovin / Константи́н Алексе́евич Коро́вин (Mosca, 5 dicembre 1861 - Parigi, 11 settembre 1939) è stato un pittore e scenografo Russo, esponente dell'impressionismo.
Il suo percorso di studi risultò nobilitato dalla frequentazione dell'Istituto di belle arti di Mosca, dove fu allievo di Vasilij Dmitrievič Polenov e di Aleksej Kondrat'evič Savrasov.
Le teorie artistiche di Korovin riguardanti gli elementi cromatici ed emozionali del folclore si perfezionarono con la partecipazione al movimento del Mondo dell'Arte (Mir Iskusstva) e con i soggiorni in Spagna ed in Francia.

Lo stile ed il gusto pittorico di Korovin vennero ben esemplificati nelle opere presentate sia all'Esposizione di Nižnij Novgorod del 1896 sia all'Esposizione di Parigi del 1900.
Come scenografo, Korovin si distinse nelle collaborazioni con il Teatro Mamontov ed il Bol'šoj a Mosca, con il Teatro Imperiale di San Pietroburgo ed a Parigi con i Balletti russi di Sergej Pavlovič Djagilev.
Le sue scenografie si caratterizzarono per lo stile 'barbarico' e per quello djagileviano.
Una buona parte delle sue opere sono conservate ed esposte nella Galleria Mamontov e nella Galleria Tret'jakov a Mosca.