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Michael Steirnagle | Abstract Impressionist painter

Moving between left and right brain (form and content), Michael finds pleasure in both worlds.
Usually utilizing the figure as his subject, Michael seeks to find a comfortable balance between these two opposing forces, unconsciously letting life events and emotions affect the end result.
He finds the painting experience to be a total immersion in a sea of lush paint and color which, hopefully, evolve into a pleasurable and meaningful experience for the viewer.
Michael divides his time between his studio in Southern California and Costa Rica where he has a second home.

Usually using the figure as a point of departure, Michael Steirnagle’s "Abstracted Impressionist" paintings are assemblages of lush paint, color and light designed to lead the viewer through a maze of shapes and form sometimes blurring the line between traditional and abstract painting.
Subtle story telling is also a part of the mix allowing the viewer to not only become lost in textural "whimsy" but also to participate in the visual narrative.

"I paint people, color, abstract shapes and light. People are initially drawn to a work of art by its shapes, values and colors-not by the subject matter which is secondary.
My hope is that the viewer will find pleasure in the arrangement of shapes, colors and textures of the painting as well as in its subject which emerges, disappears and re-emerges throughout the work".

Michael Steirnagle has been both a teacher of art and an illustrator.
He served as an associate professor at Palomar College in San Marcos, California, a professional illustrator from 1975 to 1993 and an art director from 1972 to 1976.
He illustrated the book, Billy Lazroe and the King of the Sea (1997), and the book, All By Herself (1999), both published by Harcourt Brace Children’s Books.

Di solito, utilizzando la figura come punto di partenza, i dipinti di Michael Steirnagle sono assemblaggi di pittura, colore e luce lussureggianti progettati per guidare lo spettatore attraverso un labirinto di forme e forma che a volte offusca il confine tra pittura tradizionale e astratta.
Anche il sottile racconto di storie fa parte del mix, permettendo allo spettatore non solo di perdersi nella "stravaganza" materica, ma anche di partecipare alla narrazione visiva.

"Dipingo le persone, colore, forme astratte e luce. Le persone sono inizialmente attratte da un'opera d'arte dalle sue forme, valori e colori, non dall'argomento che è secondario.
La mia speranza è che lo spettatore trovi piacere nella disposizione delle forme, dei colori e delle trame del dipinto, nonché nel suo soggetto che emerge, scompare e riemerge durante l'opera".

Michael Steirnagle è stato sia insegnante d'arte che un illustratore.
È stato professore associato al Palomar College di San Marcos, California, illustratore professionista dal 1975 al 1993 e direttore artistico dal 1972 al 1976.
Ha illustrato il libro Billy Lazroe e il re del mare (1997) ed il libro, All By Herself (1999), entrambi pubblicati da Harcourt Brace Children's Books.