Visualizzazione post con etichetta 20th Century Art. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta 20th Century Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Happy birthday to Édouard Vuillard, born on this day, in 1868

Happy birthday to French Post-impressionist and Nabis painter Edouard Vuillard, born on this day in November 11, 1868.
From 1891 through 1900, Vuillard was a prominent member of the avant garde artistic group Les Nabis, creating paintings that assembled areas of pure color.
His interior scenes, influenced by Japanese prints, explored the spatial effects of flattened planes of color, pattern, and form.

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Chiaki Okada | Children's book illustrator

Chiaki Okada / 岡田 千晶 is an illustrator and author of children’s books from Osaka, Japan.
Her gentle, calming artwork was selected at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in 2010 and she has since illustrated books by authors from around the world.
Her first picture book published in English, For All the Stars Across the Sky, was released in 2019. She lives in Japan.

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Konstantinos Kavafis | Itaca / Ithaca / Ιθάκη, 1911

"Ithaca" /Ιθάκη è una poesia del poeta greco Konstantinos Kavafis, comunemente considerata la sua opera più popolare.
Fu pubblicata per la prima volta sulla rivista Grammata (Γράμματα, "lettere") della Alessandria. Basata sul viaggio di ritorno di Ulisse nell'Odissea di Omero, la poesia è intitolata all'isola omonima di Itaca.
Una prima versione della poesia, intitolata "Una seconda Odissea" fu scritta nel 1894.
Ithaca ottenne un pubblico globale dopo la sua lettura del 1994 al funerale dell'ex first lady degli Stati Uniti, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.

Se ti metti in viaggio per Itaca
augurati che sia lunga la via,
piena di conoscenze e d’avventure.

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Shamsia Hassani, 1988 | Afghanistan's First Female Street Artist

"I want to colour over the bad memories of war on the walls, and if I colour over these bad memories, then I erase [war] from people's minds.
I want to make Afghanistan famous for its art, not its war" - Shamsia Hassani.

Afghan artist Shamsia Hassani risks all to bring color to war-torn Kabul with her street art and murals.
Born April 1988, she is the first female graffiti artist of Afghanistan.
Through her artworks, Shamsia portrays Afghan women in a male dominant society.

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Robert Frost | La mia Ospite di Novembre / My November Guest

Robert Lee Frost (1874-1963) è stato un poeta e drammaturgo Statunitense, considerato tra i maggiori intellettuali del Novecento.
Frost è considerato uno dei più influenti e popolari poeti della storia statunitense; vincitore di quattro Premi Pulitzer e premiato con numerosi altri riconoscimenti, le sue raffigurazioni realistiche della vita rurale e la sua padronanza del discorso colloquiale americano lo resero il poeta più di successo del suo tempo.

Quando lei, mio Dolore, è qui con me,
pensa che questi giorni melanconici
e piovosi d’autunno sono splendidi
come possono i giorni essere; ama
la nuda pianta che appassisce, e va
sull’umido sentiero in mezzo all’erba.

Lawton Silas Parker | Autumn Sunlight

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Eduardo León Garrido | Belle Époque painter

Spanish painter Eduardo León Garrido (1856-1949), was a significant figure in the Impressionist movement.
Trained at the Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, he later moved to Paris where he was influenced by French artistic trends, particularly the works of Manet and the Impressionists.
He is known for his elegant portraits and genre scenes, often bathed in soft, natural light.

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Wisława Szymborska | La memoria / Memory finally

La memoria finalmente ha quel che cercava.
Si è trovata mia madre, mi è apparso mio padre.
Ho sognato per loro un tavolo, due sedie. Si sono seduti.
Erano miei di nuovo e per me di nuovo vivi.
Sono balenati con le due lampade sul viso
all'imbrunire, come a Rembrandt.

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The Tragic Life of Van Gogh by Alireza Karimi Moghaddam

Watch beauty directly;
See them through your soul’s door.
Don’t let technology snatch
the little time you have to relish real beauty.

Maybe this chance won’t repeat for us ever.
Know the value of encountering true beauties,
and don’t turn your back on them. | by Alireza Karimi Moghaddam.

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Antonia Pozzi | Ti do me stessa, 1934


Ti do me stessa,
le mie notti insonni,
i lunghi sorsi
di cielo e stelle - bevuti
sulle montagne,
la brezza dei mari percorsi
verso albe remote.

Harold Speed

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Sylvius D. Paoletti | Genre painter

Sylvius D. Paoletti (1864-1921) was born in Venice, where he worked all his life.
He is the son of the famous genre and landscape painter Antonio Ermolao Paoletti (1833-1912) and learned the art of painting in his father's workshop.
In his works Paoletti devoted himself mainly to serene genre scenes settled in Venice, in which he skillfully captures the southern light with bright and glowing colors.
Paoletti died in 1921.

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Konstantinos Kavafis | Quanto più puoi / As much as you can / Όσο Mπορείς

Farla non puoi, la vita,
come vorresti? Almeno questo tenta
quanto più puoi: non la svilire troppo
nell’assiduo contatto della gente,
nell’assiduo gestire e nelle ciance.

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Edgar Maxence | Il ritrattista romantico

Il pittore Francese Edgard Maxence (1871-1954) ha studiato con Jules-Élie Delaunay e Gustave Moreau.
I suoi contemporanei furono Henri Matisse, Georges Rouault, Albert Marquet, Henri Evenepoel ed altri.
La tecnica pittorica di Edgard Maxence combinava pennellate relativamente spesse con una certa purezza di linee.
Lui utilizzava la foglia d'oro, che enfatizzavano scene mistiche primitive, nonostante i volti realistici.

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Felix Nussbaum | The Folly Square / La piazza della follia, 1931

"The Folly Square" / "Der tolle Platz" was created in 1931 by German-Jewish surrealist painter Felix Nussbaum (1904-1944).
It is part of the collection of the Berlinische Galerie.

Turbulent goings - on at Pariser Platz in Berlin: young artists unload their paintings outside the Prussian Academy of the Arts while its distinguished professors file through the door.
In the background we see Max Liebermann, the president of the Academy, on the roof of his house right next to the Brandenburg Gate.
He is working on a self-portrait held for him by Victoria, the goddess of victory.
She has torn herself off the Victory Column on the right of the frame, but in mid-flight she loses the laurel wreath which, since Ancient times, has been the mark of distinction for success.

Felix Nussbaum | The folly square, 1931 | Berlinische Galerie
In the foreground, in the centre of the beige-grey painting: a group of young artists in pale smocks with paintings.
More paintings are being unloaded from a vehicle on the right.
Left: professors dressed in black form a long queue three abreast.
In the background, Max Liebermann stands on a half-crumbling building.

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Rainer Maria Rilke | Lascia che tutto ti accada / Let everything happen to you

Dio parla a ciascuno solamente prima ch’egli sia creato,
poi va con lui silente nella notte.

Ma le parole, quelle prima dell’inizio di ciascuno,
le parole, come nubi, sono queste:
Sospinto dal tuo intendere,
va’ fino al limite del tuo anelare;
dai a me una veste.

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Claude Monet | Le ninfee

Nel 1890 che Monet acquista la sua casa a Giverny ed un anno dopo realizza il suo bellissimo giardino fiorito, il Clos Normand, una vera e propria opera d’arte.
Marcel Proust (1871-1922) descriveva cosi il giardino di Monet nel suo "Alla ricerca del tempo perduto":
« [...] giacché il colore che creava in sottofondo ai fiori era più prezioso, più commovente di quello stesso dei fiori; e sia che facesse scintillare sotto le ninfee, nel pomeriggio, il caleidoscopio di una felicità attenta, mobile e silenziosa, sia che si colmasse verso sera, come certi porti lontani, del rosa sognante del tramonto, cambiando di continuo per rimanere sempre in accordo, intorno alle corolle dalle tinte più stabili, con quel che c'è di più profondo, di più fuggevole, di più misterioso - con quel che c'è d'infinito - nell'ora, sembrava che li avesse fatti fiorire in pieno cielo».

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Vincenzo Cabianca | Macchiaioli painter

Vincenzo Cabianca (1827-1902) was an Italian painter of the Macchiaioli group.
He was born in Verona in modest circumstances. He began his artistic training at the Verona Academy under Giovanni Caliari, and then studied at the Venice Academy from 1845-1847.
An admirer of Giuseppe Mazzini, he became associated with the Young Italy movement and was taken prisoner while participating in the defense of Bologna in 1848.
After his release he lived in Venice from 1849-1853.

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Claude Monet | Valley of the Petite Creuse, 1889

The striking effects of Monet’s several paintings of the Creuse Valley in central France are achieved through complex, superimposed layers of color, as he combined bold brushstrokes with intricate passages made up of many small touches.

Title: Valley of the Petite Creuse
Author: Claude Monet (French painter, 1840-1926)
Date: 1889
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 65.4 x 81.3 cm (25 3/4 x 32 in.)
Current location: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

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Georges Girardot | Le reverences de la lune, 1890

Georges Marie Julien Girardot (1856-1914) was a French figure, landscape and marine painter.
Girardot was born in Besançon, Doubs on 4 August 1856.
He was trained by the artist Albert Maignan in Paris.
Girardot was active in Paris, painting mostly genre paintings, female nudes and landscapes.

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John Joseph Enneking | Spring Hillside, 1899-1902

John Joseph Enneking was born in Ohio in 1841 and was orphaned at a young age. He began to paint at the age of five and developed a natural talent before travelling East to New York and Massachusetts.
He trained in Germany, Italy and France and he was the first American to return from Paris in 1874 after having painted with Claude Monet, Pissarro and Renoir in Monet’s gardens at Argentueil (where Enneking painted Monet’s wife and child).

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Benjamin Osro Eggleston | Young Woman in a Theater Box, 1891

"Young Woman in a Theater Box" is an 1891 oil painting by Benjamin Osro Eggleston (1867-1937).
A landscape painter in the tonal style and figures, Benjamin Osro Eggleston was born in Belvidere, MN and studied art at the Minneapolis School of Fine Arts under Douglas Volk.
He also traveled to Paris where he completed additional studies.
Upon his return he established a studio in Brooklyn from which he worked and traveled.
From 1900-1920 he summered at the Old Lyme Art Colony and in the 1930's he spent his time in West Stockbridge, Massachusetts.