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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Claude Monet. Mostra tutti i post
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Claude Monet | Figures / Portraits | Page 2

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Claude Monet | Rising Tide at Pourville, 1882

Throughout his career Claude Monet depicted France’s English Channel coastline.
In works such as Rising Tide at Porville / Marée montante à Pourville, he combined keen observation with Impressionism’s subjective use of color and light effects.
Henrik Willem Mesdag also painted churning waters, of the nearby North Sea.
Here, a small ship with wind-torn sails is tossed by massive, white-capped waves.
The broad expanse of water, almost matching the tone of the sky, dramatizes nature’s mighty power.

Claude Monet | Rising Tide at Pourville (Marée montante à Pourville), 1882 | Brooklyn Museum

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Claude Monet | Boats below the Cliffs at Pourville, 1882

Bateaux devant les falaises de Pourville / Boats below the Cliffs at Pourville features a bold geometrically structured composition of diagonals and horizontals, reflective of the more simplified approach that Monet was then exploring.
The horizon line bisects the canvas into two parts of roughly equal size; two tranches of nearly identical size and shape form the sand and sea, whilst the diagonal line of the cliff runs to the very centre of the composition.
The slightly raised vantage point from which Monet has captured this view serves, in comparison with other views from this group, to considerably foreshorten the angle of the shoreline.

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Claude Monet | Palm trees at Bordighera, 1884 | Metropolitan Museum of Art

Monet first visited Italy’s southern coast with Renoir in December 1883. Shortly thereafter, he returned alone to paint, writing his dealer that working "à deux" was constraining.
This scene and The Valley of the Nervia reflect Monet’s excitement at the new motifs offered by the region’s palm trees and mountains. For this view, he ventured from his hotel in Bordighera and looked across the Bay of Ventimiglia toward the Alps on the French border.
The dazzling colors challenged him to "dare to use all the tones of pink and blue", although what he truly needed was a "palette of diamonds and jewels". | © The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Claude Monet | Riposo sotto i Lillà, 1873

"Riposo sotto i Lillà" è un dipinto ad olio su tela (50x65 cm) realizzato nel 1873 dal pittore Francese Claude Monet. È conservato nel Musée d'Orsay di Parigi.

Riposo sotto i Lillà, Monet ha usato colori tenui per i personaggi, fondendoli sullo sfondo. Dove sono le gambe dell'uomo appoggiato a destra?
L'unica cosa che salta all'occhio è l'abito bianco di una donna.
Uno sguardo più attento permette poi di distinguere le tre persone grazie al contrasto bianco e nero. Il processo è diverso in Lilacs in the Sun.
Macchie di luce giocano sugli abiti dei due modelli. Monet ha applicato questo effetto in diversi dipinti (La colazione, Le donne in giardino, La lettrice...)

L'occhio è catturato dai forti contrasti creati da questi tocchi di colori chiari, poi si scopre il volto della giovane donna sulla destra -potrebbe essere Camille, la moglie di Monet.

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Claude Monet | The Gare Saint-Lazare, Arrival of a Train, 1877

Harvard Art Museums / This is the largest in Monet’s series of twelve paintings of the Saint-Lazare train station in Paris, a subject favored by many impressionist painters.
While completing the series, Monet relocated from the town of Argenteuil to an apartment near the station in Paris.
He worked on all the paintings at the same time, and sometimes he leaned the stretched canvases against each other while the paint was still wet.
This caused the cork spacers on the backs of the stretchers to be pressed into the adjacent paintings, creating circular indentations in the surface that are visible along the top edge of this work.

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Claude Monet | Le Dam à Zaandam le soir, 1871

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Claude Monet | Vase of tulips, 1850

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Claude Monet | Autumn Effect at Argenteuil, 1873

Title: Autumn Effect at Argenteuil
Object type: painting
Date: 1873
Medium: oil on canvas
Dimensions: 55 × 74.5 cm (21.6 × 29.3 in)
Current location: Courtauld Institute of Art

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Claude Monet | Argenteuil, veduta del braccio piccolo della Senna, 1872

Durante il XIX ed il XX secolo, in particolare, la Senna ha ispirato molti artisti.
La Senna è uno dei principali fiumi della Francia. La lunghezza approssimativa del fiume è di 776,6 km, le sue fonti sono in Borgogna, a 470 m d'altitudine, a Saint-Germain-Source-Seine sull'altopiano di Langres, e la foce è nella Manica, a Nord della Francia, presso Le Havre.
Le sorgenti della Senna furono acquisite in proprietà dalla città di Parigi nel 1864.

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Claude Monet | Flowered Riverbank, Argenteuil, 1877

"Flowered Riverbank, Argenteuil" is an oil painting created in 1889 by French painter Claude Monet.
The painting is in the collection of the Pola Museum of Art, Hakone, Japan.
In 1872, Monet moved to Argenteuil, a town along the Seine River 10 km northwest of Paris, where he lived until January 1878.
Argenteuil, which was connected to Paris by the opening of the railway in 1851, was a popular leisure spot for people to play in the river, but it was rapidly industrialized.

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Claude Monet | Pommiers en Fleurs, 1878

The most consistently explorative of all the Impressionists, more than any artists of the period, Monet represents the movement and all it stood for.
A steady and persistent worker, independent of the necessity of waiting on 'inspiration', he found a prop for creativity in 'serialism', the creation of sets of work using the same motif; thus emphasising that a whole range of equally 'real' paintings could be made of the same subject, each varying according to the quality of light and weather conditions.

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Claude Monet | The Zuiderkerk, Amsterdam, 1874

"The Zuiderkerk, Amsterdam (Looking up the Groenburgwal)" was created in 1874 by French painter Claude Monet (1840-1926) in Impressionism style.
The painting is in the collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Pennsylvania.

Title: The Zuiderkerk, Amsterdam (Looking up the Groenburgwal)
Author: Claude Monet - French Impressionist painter (1840-1926);
Geography: Probably made in Netherlands, Europe;

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Claude Monet | Low Tide at Pourville near Dieppe, 1882

This is one of several views Monet painted of the cliffs and sand flats of Pourville, a small fishing village on the Normandy coast of France.
The title indicates a momentary stage in the continuous cycle of nature, just as the quick, spontaneous application of paint reflects Monet's efforts to capture shifting effects of light, weather, and tide.

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Claude Monet | The Village of La Roche-Blond, Sunset, 1889

'The Village of La Roche-Blond, Sunset' was created in 1889 by French painter Claude Monet (1840-1926) in Impressionism style.

Title: The Village of La Roche-Blond, Sunset
Artist: Claude Monet - French Impressionist painter, (1840-1926)
Date: 1889

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Claude Monet | The Grande Creuse by the Bridge at Vervy, 1889

The Grande Creuse by the Bridge at Vervy” is an evocative landscape painting by the renowned Impressionist artist Claude Monet, created in 1889.
This artwork is an exemplar of the Impressionism movement, which celebrates the play of light and color in nature.
Monet’s work often features outdoor scenes that convey the transient beauty of the environment through his distinctive brushwork and vibrant chromatic palette.
As a landscape painting, this piece continues the tradition of rendering the natural world, which has been a subject of artistic interpretation for centuries.

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Claude Monet | Argenteuil landscapes

From December 1871-1878 Oscar-Claude Monet (1840–1926) lived at Argenteuil, a village on the right bank of the Seine river near Paris, and a popular Sunday-outing destination for Parisians, where he painted some of his best-known works.
In 1873, Monet purchased a small boat equipped to be used as a floating studio.
From the boat studio Monet painted landscapes and also portraits of Édouard Manet and his wife; Manet in turn depicted Monet painting aboard the boat, accompanied by Camille, in 1874. In 1874, he briefly returned to Holland.

Claude Monet | Snow at Argenteuil, 1874

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Claude Monet | Figures / Portraits

  • I'm not performing miracles, I'm using up and wasting a lot of paint...
  • No one is an artist unless he carries his picture in his head before painting it, and is sure of his method and composition.
  • Eventually, my eyes were opened, and I really understood nature. I learned to love at the same time.
  • I have never had a studio, and I do not understand shutting oneself up in a room. To draw, yes; to paint, no.
  • I do have a dream, a painting, the baths of La Grenouillere for which I've done a few bad rough sketches, but it is a dream. Renoir, who has just spent two months here, also wants to do this painting.

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Claude Monet | The Rain (La pluie), 1886-1887

"The Rain (La pluie)" was created in 1886-1887 by French impressionist painter Claude Monet (1840-1926).

  • "Color is my daylong obsession, joy, and torment".
  • "I'm not performing miracles, I'm using up and wasting a lot of paint.."
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Claude Monet | Le Tuileries, 1875

Title: Le Tuileries
Author: Claude Monet (1840-1926)
Date: 1875
Medium: Olio su tavola
Dimensions: 50 x 75,5 cm
Current location: Parigi, Musée d’Orsay - © René-Gabriel Ojéda / RMN-Réunion des Musées Nationaux/ distr. Alinari.